Monthly Archives: November 2009

Friday the 13th

Anyone out there superstitious? As a rule I’m not. I’ll admit I salute if I see a single magpie and I try to avoid walking under ladders – though this is more because it seems sensible than anything else. I’ve never been worried by Friday the 13th though after yesterday I’m beginning to wonder…

The band had a gig last night and we were going to drive in a convoy to the venue. Then Husband’s car wouldn’t start so we had to unpack his car and put everything into mine before we could set off. Then our friend’s sat nav lead us down a variety of country lanes which were flooded and meant we had to keep reversing in the dark until we could turn around and try another route. We arrived an hour late for our sound check. Some friends had a, thankfully minor, crash trying to come and see us and had to turn back. The other band that was supposed to be playing couldn’t get there because of flooded roads. Only a small crowd showed up because the weather was so bad and when we finally played we were beset by freakish technical problems. The journey home took twice as long because every route we tried was flooded and trees were down all over the place. Then we were kept awake most of the night by the sounds of fences falling down and tiles flying off the roof. Still. It could have been worse! At least the night wasn’t a total wash out. We made a very interesting contact who may have something very cool lined up for the band next year. I wish I could say more but a) I can’t and b) I daren’t.  

I hope your Friday the 13th went a little better!

Categories: Ramblings | 2 Comments

More Christmas shopping

I’ve been seriously on the case this week. I managed to pick up a few bits and pieces on Saturday but the shops were heaving and I lost patience quite quickly and slunk off to a coffee shop with my best mate instead. However, I’ve been around the shops on my last two lunch breaks and have picked up quite a few things. I’ve also placed a couple more online orders.

This evening I sat down and wrote a list of what I’ve bought for who. I’ve also got an emergency present to wrap up – someone always catches me out! It seems that Husband is the only person left that I have to buy for. I also need to get wrapping paper, a couple of padded envelopes and some stamps but then I am done!

Categories: Getting organised | 3 Comments

Getting organised for Christmas

Oh I do love Amazon. It makes life so much easier, doesn’t it? I’ve just done a spot of Christmas shopping online. It took me all of five minutes. I’ve just ordered 2 books and a CD for Dad, each with a healthy discount. I’ve also just ordered my 2010 calendar for work plus three others for little presents – Amazon have got some really good ones this year. I’m hitting the shops tomorrow so I expect I’ll do a  bit more festive shopping then.  

I can’t remember the last time I did my Christmas shopping all in one go. I have great admiration for the people that manage it. One friend of mine dedicates a whole day to it in mid-December and gets everything done in one crazy day. Personally, I would find this really stressful. What if I couldn’t find the right thing for the right person on that particular day? And shopping in December? Gah. I do a little bit but it really is just the last few things.

Longer term readers of this blog will know that I tuck things I buy through the year into a couple of pretty storage boxes. I find this much easier, particularly as we have a lot of friends that we get smallish presents for, like a book or a pair of earrings. Here, in early November, I only have two friends left to buy for and the rest is mostly for my family. Maybe one year I’ll save up and try buying everything in one go, just for a change!

I’ve already got my Christmas cards sorted. For the first time ever I bought them in the sales and tucked them away. It wasn’t really intentional. I was in the queue at Boots right at the end of January and saw them on a shelf – each pack of 30 was only £1.24 so I bought two. They’re nice ones too. I suppose if I was going to be really Shoestringish I would send e-cards or something. However, being a stationery addict, I just can’t do it. I love the pretty designs and the jaunty red envelopes. And I like sending proper letters in the post at any time of year. Which reminds me. I need to get some jiffy bags and find out when things need to be posted to America, Australia and Europe to arrive in time for Christmas…does anyone know?!

Categories: Getting organised | 9 Comments

Blinkin’ lovely

Ever have one of those days that is just a bit same old, same old and then something comes along that makes you sit up in your chair, blink a few times and remember the world can be a kind of crazy, lovely place? I’m having one of those.

Just now I found the following comment left for me on my ‘About’ page:

Hi, I’m the author of the book, Sucking Eggs: What your Wartime Granny Could Teach You about Diet, Thrift and Going Green, which you wrote so kindly about in the late summer. I’m really glad you enjoyed it. It’s made my evening finding it mentioned here.
Very best wishes,

Amazing! And how lovely. Finding my post might have made Patricia’s evening, but her comment has certainly made mine. If anyone else fancies reading the post in qustion you can catch up here. I really did love reading this book and have actually bought it for a friend for Christmas.

I suspect ‘Sucking Eggs’ has, justly, been very popular. When I occasionally check what terms people have used to find this blog (frequently hilarious – ‘husband in frillies’ is still my favourite) it is quite often this book that people are looking for information on. I also get a lot of hits from Carrot and Coriander soup, Runner Bean Chutney and forget-me-nots…

Anyway, many thanks to Patricia for stopping by and saying hello and also to all of you lovely folk who leave a comment and add a little zing to my day.

Categories: Book love | 1 Comment

Getting organised (again)

I’m feeling quite pleased with myself because I’ve actually managed to get a few niggling things done today. I’ve shuffled some money around and my emergency fund is now standing at a respectable £1500. I’m aiming to get this to a minimum or £2000 but I’d really like £3000. Obviously I’m going to carry on saving afterwards but this is my current project. Another part of the re-jigging has been completing my Christmas fund. I’ve already bought lots of small presents for friends but I still have one or two to buy for and I have barely scratched the surface of buying for Husband or family. I have £255 for the remaining presents, wrapping paper and any other festive things that might tickle my fancy. Now I’ve just got to get on and get stuff.

I’ve also been ignoring some Next deliveries for a couple of weeks and this evening I finally got around to sorting them out and trying things on. The clothes I bought for some friends children are just what I was looking for. I also ordered myself a bag. I’ve been after a new one for a while. I don’t really need it so I am being fussy. As it is not exactly what I want I have decided to send it back and keep looking. One of the things I find most difficult about the whole shoestring thing is that I can get a bit bored. I am used to spending less now, but it gets a bit dull doing the same things, wearing the same clothes and so on. I think the trick is learning when a little spend is actually a good idea. For example, before we went on holiday I booked us a table at Jamie Oliver’s restaurant in Cornwall. And it was expensive compared to the sort of places we’d usually go. However, the restaurant was amazing and it was probably the best meal I’ve ever had. I don’t regret a penny of it – it was just what we needed at the time. 

Anyway, back to my Next stuff. I also ordered some new clothes. The band has got a couple of gigs coming up and I really am out of clothes to wear that I haven’t worn a hundred times. Plus, with Christmas coming up, it’s always nice to have something new to wear. I’ve done pretty well. I ordered a pair of black skinny jeans (I look appalling in dresses so they aren’t really an option) and a black lace top. The total cost of my new outfit? £44. I am very pleased. I’d like a new pair of earrings to go with them so I might go into town at the weekend and get some and tackle a bit of Christmas shopping while I’m at it. Actually, what I’d really like is a new pair of heeled boots. I last bought a pair two or three years ago and they look liek they have been worn to death – which they have. However, I’ve decided to wait until the January sales. I’m not set on a particular pair or style so I can go into it with an open mind and see what bargains there are to be had!

Now I just need to go and package that bag up and take it to the Post Office…

Categories: Getting organised, Saving | 2 Comments

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