What I’m reading

While I had my unplanned blogging break I also had an unplanned reading break. Last year I averaged two books a week so to have nearly two months where I only ready one book…well… I must have a total brain shut down! Anyway, my inability to get into a book ended when I finally picked up A Discovery of Witches which I got for Christmas. I’m so glad I did – it is absoloutely brilliant and so far up my street I’m surprised it didn’t come and knock on my front door. I am now anxiously awaiting the next book in the trilogy which is due to be published later this year.

Husband bought me a couple of books for Valentines Day. When he told me I thought ‘uh-oh’. And yet the boy did good. One of the books he got me was the latest biography on Queen Elizabeth. I wasn’t sure if I’d like it at first even though I love books (fiction and non-fiction) about the monarchy through the ages. Anyway, I am utterly gripped. I’ve read 430 pages so far and I am having real trouble putting it down. I keep finding excuses to read ‘one more page’ which rapidly turns into 10 or 20 pages.

Lastly, I’ve decided to try and pick one slightly more challenging read each month and have kicked off with Sylvia Plath’s Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams. I’ve long been facinated by Plath and a friend in the States sent me this American edition a few years ago. It is a collection of short stories, essays and journal extracts with a riveting introduction by none other than Ted Hughes.

It’s good to have my reading mojo back! What are you reading at the moment?

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2 thoughts on “What I’m reading

  1. I am completely with you on “A Discovery of Witches”! I loved it .. couldn’t put it down and read the whole thing in record time! I am very much looking forward to the next book too ..!

    • shoestringalley

      Yay – another fan! Since writing this post I’ve lent my copy to a friend who is now also gripped and anxiously awaiting the next book. I thought it was brilliant. A proper page-turner!

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